Medal Card

Duncan the soldier
Duncan’s military career began in the Queen’s Royal West Surrey Regiment. He joined the 2nd Volunteer Battalion in 1890, aged 18. He was gazetted Second Lieutenant on 8th April 1890 (London Gazette. 13 June 1890) and then gazetted as Lieutenant on the 4th October 1892. (Uncertified) He resigned this commission a year later to go to Cambridge. When at Cambridge Duncan served in the Cambridge University Volunteers.

There seem to be conflicting indicators as to when Duncan enlisted in the 14th (County of London) Battalion, The London Regiment (London Scottish). It is recorded that in 1898, aged 26, Duncan joined the London Scottish Territorial Force (London Scottish Regimental Gazette. June 1918), winning his Sergeant stripes in January 1907. It is unknown why his discharge certificate states that he enlisted in 1908.

Duncan is named participant in the 1900 Daily Telegraph Cup Rifle Competition, between teams of Regulars and Volunteers. This was won by   ‘London Scottish Rifles with 167 Points, Pte Duncan Tovey.’
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Duncan at War

In 1914, aged 42, he went with the London Scottish to the France/Belgium border as part of the British Expeditionary Forces. In December 1914 he was wounded at the front and sent home to England.


From March-April 1915, aged 43, Duncan was at Bisley Musketry School, completing a Course of Instruction, allowing him to become a rifle instructor. He was already a very proficient rifleman.


He was discharged from the London Scottish on 1st May 1915 and officially re-enlisted as Sergeant No 517 in the Corps of School of Musketry, Bisley. He had earlier relinquished his commission on account of ill health. He returned to France as an officer of the Sniping School.


Duncan’s medals are held by the London Scottish.