Samuel Griffiths Tovey (1771-1844)

Born:                December, 1771
Christening:     9 August, 1772, St Philip & St Jacob, Bristol
Occupation:      Accountant, Milk Street, Bristol.
                        Samuel held a ‘confidential position in the firm of Messrs Castle,                             Distillers, Milk St, Bristol.’

Marriage:         1804, St Mary Radcliffe Church, Bristol
Wife:                Mary Ann Moore (1781?-1866)
Death:              22 March, 1844, Cotham Place, Cotham
Will:                 Samuel Griffiths left a will showing him to be a man of property.
                        Although Charles was the youngest of four sons, he was the one                             named as an executor of the will. At least two of the elder brothers                             seemingly in debt to their father. Michael Hinton Castle, of the                             Distillers, was the other executor.

                        Transcription  of will (with some unknown words)
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  We have some photos from the era but sadly they are not named, making it difficult to identify   individuals.