Glossary of Domesday Terms

occuring in the extracts, as provided by the original researcher

BORDARS - (bordarii. Low Lat) COTTAGERS

CLOSES - (hagae. Low Lat. Hege, A-s) literally hedge, fence, enclosure, hence a SHELTER enclosed by a fence.


COTTARS - (cotaril, Low Lat) the POOR of the manor, owning a cottage and 1 acre or half and acer of field, doing work similar to the duties of a villeign.


DEMESNE - (domini manibus) DOMAIN. The land of the manor, belonging to the lord and cultivated by villeigns.


EYRY - (area, Low Lat) an AERY, or best of eagle or hawks.


HIDE - (hyde, A-s hida, Low Lat) a measure of land, 120 or 200 acres or less: as much land as could be tilled with 1 plough, or support 1 family.


REEVE - (erefa-A-S) a PROVOST, judicial officer over the villeigns in a town or manor. Inferior to the Eorl, he assisted the Bailiff in the management of the estate and held a position correspond ing the the modern Justice of the Peace.


SERFS - (servi, Lat) slaves attached to the soil.

SHERIFF - Shire-Reeve, Govenor of a shire.

THEGN - originally a servant of the king. A nobleman, inferior to an Eorl, but later denominated Baron. Title not heriditary. To be a Thegn a man must posses 5 hides, a church, a kitchen, a bell-house, a judicial seat at the city-gate and a seat at the Witha-gemot.

T.R.E. - Tempore Regis Edwardi - in the time of King Edward.

VILL - unwalled town.

VILLEIGN - (villanus, Low Lat) an inhabitant of an unwalled town. Servile tenant, bondman, farm ser vant, yeoman.

VIRGATE - a LAND-YARD, a fixed number of acre, strips of meadow held by bondmen. Usually 30 acres, but sometimes 15 or even 80 acres.


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