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Whilst in France Duncan was part of ‘The Very Lights’ concert party.

The ‘Very Lights’ took their

name from a type of flare widely used in World War I. ‘

Duncan the Entertainer
Duncan was very active in the pre-war concert circle, with smoking concerts or ‘smokers’. These were an inheritance from the Victorian era, with live music, generally only open to men.
There are a number of his published songs in circulation. Others we have handwritten musical scores for. Duncan’s published music from that time is a little risque and certainly not politically correct for current times.
His extraordinary character is captured by the numerous obituaries written for him. The Morning Post of 7th May 1918, said the following:
‘He was ever welcome at social gatherings, where he sang his own stirring songs and music, ...rich in humour and dramatic in movement.  At the Yorick Club smoking concerts, in particular, he was a great favourite, joining with his friend Mr George Parlby in the invention of grotesque masques and other revelry that made those Yorick nights unequalled in Bohemian London.’